
Showing posts from May, 2019

Getting the Tax Rate Codes by Business Unit and Reference Set

Use the Below QUERY to get the Tax Rate Codes corresponding to each Business Unit and Reference Data Set. SELECT A.INTERNAL_ORGANIZATION_ID,        BU.BU_NAME,        R.TAX_RATE_CODE,        RM.COUNTRY_CODE,        T.TAX_TYPE_CODE,        RM.TAX_REGIME_CODE,        RM.REGIME_TYPE_FLAG,        LC.LOOKUP_TYPE,        LC.LOOKUP_CODE,        LC.DISPLAY_SEQUENCE,        LC.ENABLED_FLAG,        LC.START_DATE_ACTIVE,        LC.END_DATE_ACTIVE,        LC.MEANING,        LC.DESCRIPTION,        LC.TAG,        LC.SET_ID LookUpSetID   FROM ZX_RATES_B               R,        ZX_TAXES_B               T,        ZX_ACCOUNTS              A,        FUN_FIN_BUSINESS_UNITS_V BU,        ZX_REGIMES_B             RM,        FND_LOOKUP_VALUES_VL     LC,        FND_SETID_ASSIGNMENTS    SA WHERE     R.TAX_RATE_ID = A.TAX_ACCOUNT_ENTITY_ID        AND A.TAX_ACCOUNT_ENTITY_CODE = 'RATES'        AND NVL (R.EFFECTIVE_TO, SYSDATE) >= SYSDATE      

How to Add an Attachment to the Payables Invoice using the REST API

How to Add an Attachment to the Payables Invoice using the REST API Uploading file type attachment can be achieved by using a combination of FIN services.  You will need to create a custom java program/process to do the following: 1) Call uploadFileToUcm() web service to upload the attachment file to a UCM account. This API returns the document ID in UCM. ERP Integration Services is the Business Object Services for this Operation. 2) Construct document URL in UCM by using document ID returned in step 1. The UCM doc URL has the format of " ID". Replace with correct UCM server name and substitute document ID with value from step 1. 3) Call AP web service 'createURLAttachment' to create URL attachment for invoice by using the document URL constructed in step 2.